CPP Research Center

Keeping CPP at the leading edge of assessment products and solutions.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is the best-known and most trusted personality assessment tool available today. As many as 1.5 million assessments are administered annually to individuals, including to employees of many Fortune 500 companies.

The MBTI assessment has been revised several times since it first appeared in 1942. New item formats and scoring methods were developed and tested first by Isabel Myers and later by professional psychometricians, with each revision leading to technical improvements over the previous form. The most recent forms are Form M and Form Q, both of which use item response theory (IRT)-based scoring and item selection. Validity of both Form M and Form Q has been examined through behavioral observations, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, correlations with related measures, and even brain scans.

The research below supports the reliability and validity of the MBTI tool, as well as best practices and industry trends when applying the assessment results in different settings. You will also find information on ways to pair the instrument with other assessments for maximum effectiveness.