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Are You Ready to Take the Next Step In Your Business?

By Cecilia Lynch, CEO, chief strategist, and author of Focused Momentum®

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you have already proven your strategic thinking ability—you saw an opportunity and stepped in to address it. That is strategic thinking in action. But, if you are like most of us, you may be struggling with what’s next.

As your business grows, you may find that what worked to get you to this point won’t be enough to achieve your future goals. As you evaluate where you are today, you recognize that your hard work has positioned you and your business to take advantage of new opportunities. How do you take action on those opportunities with confidence? They could seem to be creating new alliances to grow, but how do you evaluate the right partnerships to cultivate so you stay true to your goals and avoid getting pulled into serving someone else’s vision?

Or, you may see a gap in the market you know you could fill, but to do so would require an investment beyond your means. How do you present your idea to potential investors and win their support?

Alternatively, your new opportunity could look like letting go of a legacy part of your business or offering that you have lost passion for or that does not generate the financial payoff it once did. How do you make such a significant shift without regret?

Strategic Focus: The Art of Strategic Thinking demystifies the overwhelming task of developing the thinking you need to take your business to the next level.

At our pre-conference workshop at the 2016 MBTI® Users Conference, we explore two of the simple tools outlined in Strategic Focus—how to strengthen your market focus and draft a new way of thinking about the market in which your business operates so that you gain the clarity you need to:

  • Drive partnership discussion that gets you where you want to go

  • Create a business plan to fill that gap in the market and add another component to your business

  • Say no to business that is not part of your future positioning