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Communication Breakthroughs: The Genesis for Better Understanding Others

By Daniel Grachanin

We often move through our daily life exchanging information without actually gaining any real understanding of one another. Whether we’re in a 1:1 with our manager or on a sales call with a potentially large client, we hear without listening, speak without considering, interact without presence, and judge without knowing. These are missed opportunities for communication to actually resonate with another person and to help build a strong and cohesive relationship. As our world becomes increasingly more technological, we frequently mistake quantifiable metrics as the criteria for success when the real opportunity lies in the intrinsic value of understanding the people we work with. We forget that while we must educate ourselves academically, we must also educate ourselves socially. This can be a daunting task without a framework—which is why the MBTI® assessment is precisely the right tool for the job.

It’s first necessary to understand your personality preferences and commit to understanding each of the preference pairs. Then, you can begin to see how people who have different combinations of preferences present characteristic personality patterns and styles of communication. Finally, armed with an understanding of yourself and others, you can begin to quickly perceive another person’s preferences based on the context of communication, body language, and other nuances, and then flex to align with those preferences. This flexing, facilitated by an underlying understanding, will help you quickly discover how to make others feel comfortable and natural, and to have a shared resonance with you. By being thought leaders within our respective organizations and adopting the MBTI framework, we can improve job satisfaction and quality of communication that will drive quantifiable measures of success.