The Myers-Briggs Company Blog Central

CPP, Inc
Training Magazine APX Award Winner
Category: Assessment

Helping Develop Leaders for Over 45 Years

Let CPP give your company the tools to develop and transform leaders and stimulate success.

Most widely known for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment, CPP, Inc., has nearly 50 years of history providing businesses with assessments and training tools that take individual development to the next level, empowering employees to transform themselves and their organizations through leadership and executive development, team building, career management, communication, and more.

The Myers-Briggs® assessment provides an accurate picture of an individual's personality type by determining preferences on four dichotomies:

  • Extraversion-Introversion (describes where people prefer to focus their attention and get their energy)
  • Sensing-Intuition (describes how people prefer to take in information)
  • Thinking-Feeling (describes how people prefer to make decisions)
  • Judging-Perceiving (describes how people prefer to deal with the world around them)

All possible combinations of these preferences result in 16 distinct personality types. By using Myers-Briggs tools to understand-and help their employees understand-how people with different personality types think and interact, organizations achieve improvements and support career management.

"The MBTI assessment is the most widely used personality tool in the world," says Michael Segovia, director of business development for CPP. A majority of Fortune 100 companies use the MBTI tool. "Over the years we've made some significant efforts in revising the instrument, most important the recent introduction of MBTI Step II, Form Q. The MBTI Step II assessment drills down for a more in-depth understanding, detailing 20 facets of the four preferences and providing insights that can be particularly useful for leadership development and team building.

"But, for our customers, perhaps the most important aspect of using MBTI assessments is that we offer not only the instrument but also a complete range of support materials and report formats. These help organizations administer the assessments and use the results as part of their development efforts-by applying Myers-Briggs results and principles to their overall processes. This can provide a common language that enables us to understand each other's motivations and how individuals like to work."

Although CPP is best known for the Myers-Briggs assessment, the company offers a wide range of products and services, all backed by sound research and superior customer service:

MBTI assessments may be administered only by a qualified practitioner. Ask CPP how your organization can qualify or find an experienced and qualified consultant. For more information on the MBTI assessment, qualification requirements, or any of the products and services CPP offers, call (800) 624-1765.