An Application of MBTI® Step II TypeJean M. Kummerow, Naomi L. QuenkThis activity will get your group up, moving and learning about the Step II facets and is best when used with an in-tact team whose members are open to sharing their scores. Because it delves into each of the 20 facets, the activity may run one to three hours in length; however, it will reveal important individual differences that may be masked when considering only Step I type preferences as it is designed to explore how the group’s facet scores impact overall team functioning. Members will walk away with more information about one another’s styles and will have the benefit of a neutral vocabulary with which to discuss communication, problem-solving, conflict and other more specific realms of teamwork.
- To learn the meaning of the facets and facet poles
- To apply the facets to understanding team members
- To identify both similarities and differences among team members
Time Frame: 75-180 minutes (or longer)
Materials Included: Activity Instructions, PowerPoint® slides, Handouts, Facilitator Worksheets and Briefing Tools
Additional Materials Required: Step II Profiles or Interpretive Reports, which offer individualized interpretations of facet results and are therefore recommended.
Facilitator’s Note:
This activity assumes that you have previously introduced Step II concepts and
facets, and that participants have received and reviewed their Step II results.
For more downloadable, no-fail activities from world-renowned MBTI® type experts and consultants, click here.
*Available only within the United States.