An Application of MBTI® Step II TypeJean M. Kummerow, Naomi L. QuenkMaking decisions is one of the most complex and difficult tasks in which people engageand, making good ones requires both Thinking and Feeling perspectives. When you are in need of an exercise to help individuals or groups tackle tough decisions and improve their problem-solving approach, try this advanced activity based on the MBTI® Step II® decision-making styles. This exercise explores the six distinct decision-making styles that result from combining results on the first two facets in the Thinking (T)Feeling (F) dichotomy and provides participants with an enhanced approach to decision making.
These styles are:
- Logical (T) and Reasonable (T)
- Empathetic (F) and Compassionate (F)
- Empathetic (F) and Reasonable (T)
- Logical (T) and Compassionate (F)
- Midzone with underlying Feeling (F)
- Midzone with underlying Thinking (T)
Participants work in groups based on their scores on the first two ThinkingFeeling facets to consider a dilemma, make a decision, and devise an implementation strategy. Small groups will report out and then the larger group will discuss the six Step II decision-making styles and will explore the impacts. Participants will walk away with a set of 20 facet-based decision-making questions that serve as a tool for enhancing future decisions.
Facilitation Note: This activity assumes that you have previously introduced Step II concepts andfacets, and that participants have received and reviewed their Step II resultsusing either the MBTI® Step II Profile or the MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report
- To identify six possible decision-making styles according to Step II type
- To apply those styles to making a decision
- To illustrate the tendency to rely on one’s own facets in making decisions
Time Frame: 50-60 minutes
Materials Included: Activity Instructions, PowerPoint® slides, Handouts, Facilitator Worksheets
Additional Materials Required: Flipchart, markers
For more downloadable, no-fail activities from world-renowned MBTI® type experts and consultants, click here.
*Available only within the United States.