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FAQ - iStartStrong™ Report
1. What is the appropriate age range?
2. What is the cost of the iStartStrong® Report and are volume discounts available?
3. Is there an additional cost to process a second (or additional) report?
4. Are reprints available?
5. If a client took the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment 6 months ago, can an iStartStrong® Report be generated?
6. Is a Strong Interest Inventory® certification a requirement in order to administer iStartStrong®?
7. What are the requirements to purchase the iStartStrong® Report?
8. When would I use the iStartStrong® Report over the Strong Profile?
9. Can you generate an expanded report from the iStartStrong® Report?

1. What is the appropriate age range?

The iStartStrong® Report is based on the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment, therefore the age range is for 8th grade and up.

2. What is the cost of the iStartStrong® Report and are volume discounts available?

Pricing, including information about available volume discounts, can be found here.

3. Is there an additional cost to process a second (or additional) report?

Yes, you can generate a Strong Profile or Strong Interpretive Report using an individual’s iStartStrong® item response data. You will need to purchase the desired report.

If you are generating a second copy of the iStartStrong® Report, known as a “Reprint,” for an individual who has already received a copy of his or her report, there is no additional charge for the reprint.

4. Are reprints available?

Just as with our other reports, you can always reprint another copy of the report for the same individual at no cost through your Elevate® account.

5. If a client took the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment 6 months ago, can an iStartStrong® Report be generated?

Yes, but you must have inventory available in your Elevate® account for iStartStrong® in order to generate an iStartStrong® Report.

6. Is a Strong Interest Inventory® certification a requirement in order to administer the iStartStrong® Report?

No certification is required to administer or purchase the iStartStrong® Report since it is designed to be used without practitioner interpretation. However, certification for the Strong family of products is highly encouraged and required to use the Strong assessment and all other Strong reports. As a counseling professional, you want to offer sound guidance to students and a thorough understanding of the Strong assessment – including the underlying theory and construction – gained through certification, which is one way to do that. Deep knowledge of the Strong assessment would also help you determine if a student needs a more detailed report such as the Strong Interpretive report which does require certification to purchase and administer.

7. What are the requirements to purchase the iStartStrong® Report?

The only requirement is that you must have a Elevate® site license, since the report is only available online through our Elevate® assessment delivery platform.

8. When would I use the iStartStrong® Report over the Strong Profile?

We recommend you use the iStartStrong® Report if your client/student has an entry-level career question such as “What career fields/majors are out there that are related to what I like?” The iStartStrong® Report serves as a great starting point for career exploration. We also recommend that you use the iStartStrong® Report with students who you might not otherwise reach with your services. Our career counseling customers have told us they can’t possibly reach as many students as they’d like because many of them don’t make use of the career center. Because the iStartStrong® Report is available as a self-service instrument, you can enable students to begin career exploration on their own with the confidence they are getting the benefit of valid and reliable assessment results.

We recommend you use the Strong Profile if your client/student is struggling with questions such as “who am I?” or if their response to questions such as “what do you like” is uncertain. The Strong Profile goes deeper to help guide them.

9. Is the iStartStrong® Report available in print?

You can print a copy of the report for your students which will include the summary of their results. But since this is an interactive report, the most value will be when the student is viewing it in the PDF format in order to click through on the links.