MBTI Certification and MBTI Master Practitioner Program FAQ

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FAQ - MBTI® Certification and MBTI® Master Practitioner Program

Q: Did “certification” used to be called “qualification”? If so, why has the name changed from "qualification" to "certification?"

A: For many years the credential assigned to someone who passed a Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator training course was called “MBTI® qualified” and the courses were called MBTI® Qualification Programs. In 2009, CPP changed the name of the program and its credential to “MBTI® Certification”. Use of the term “certification” is more common among professional and educational organizations, and we wanted like to adopt industry-standard language.

Q: What is the difference between qualification and certification?

A: There is no difference. Both the prior designation of “qualification” and the newly adopted “certification” allow for the purchase, administration, and interpretation of the MBTI assessment.

Q: Are all the people who attended a qualification program in the past considered certified now?

A: Yes, all who were previously qualified through their completion of a qualification program prior to January 1, 2009 are grandfathered into the new certification status.

Q: Who are the Providers of the MBTI® Certification Program?

A: CAPT, AMA and CPP all provide public MBTI® Certification programs. CPP also provides certification programs in-house to organizations that would like to bring the program to their location.

Q: How many CE credits will I be able to earn for successfully completing the MBTI® Certification Program?

A: CAPT expects participants will be able to earn 28 CE credits. AMA participants will be able to earn 2.4 CE credits. CPP, Inc. participants will be able to earn between 2.4 and 3.0 CE credits depending on the credentialing body.

Q: Is there a higher credential that I can work toward?

A: The MBTI® Master Practitioner Credential Program is the next level of MBTI credential beyond attaining MBTI® Certification status. For more details on the Master Practitioner program, please visit www.MBTIMasterPractitioner.org

Q: Will I be automatically enrolled into the Master Practitioner Credential Program after becoming MBTI certified or do I have to apply? When can I apply?

A: You must apply. If you’ve completed a Form M-based MBTI® Qualifying or Certification program and passed the exam, have received your MBTI Certification certificate from the program provider, have been set up as a CPP customer, and have received your customer number, you may apply to the MBTI® Master Practitioner Credential Program. For details, go to www.MBTIMasterPractitioner.org

Q: Historically, I’ve been able to purchase the instrument due to my education. However, I would still like to attend the MBTI® Certification Program. Do I have to take the exam? If so, why?

A: We recognize and hold in high regard the value of the educational credentials that allow someone to be educationally eligible to purchase and administer assessments. However, we believe that to ensure the best possible use and application of the MBTI assessment, attending a certification program and passing the exam is best practice. Another reason to take the exam is that only those practitioners who attend and successfully complete an MBTI certification program will be granted the MBTI Certified Practitioner designation. Those who meet the educationally eligible requirements are able to purchase and administer the instrument but are not designated as MBTI® Certified Practitioners. In addition, successfully passing an MBTI certification program makes you eligible for the Master Practitioner program.

Q: What happens if I fail the class? Is there a retake?

A: If you don’t achieve an 80% cumulative score or higher on the five exams to become MBTI® Certified, a retake exam is available at no extra charge.

Q: What is the difference between the companies providing the MBTI® Certification Program?

A: AMA, CAPT and CPP are all delivering the same basic program. For further information about these companies, please visit their respective websites at www.amanet.org, www.capt.org, and www.cpp.com.

Q: Who is CPP?

A: CPP is the exclusive publisher of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument and the developer of the MBTI® Certification Program. Since its founding in 1956, CPP, Inc., has been a leading publisher and provider of products and services for individual and organizational development, supplying training solutions to organizations and businesses of all sizes, including the Fortune 500. The company’s hundreds of offerings have been used by millions of individuals in more than 100 countries, in more than 20 languages, to help people and organizations grow and develop by improving performance and increasing understanding. In addition to the MBTI assessment, CPP’s brands and services include CPP Professional Services; the Strong Interest Inventory®, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), FIRO-B®, CPI 260®, and California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™434) assessments; and Davies-Black® Publishing.

Q: Why is there a difference in the price of MBTI Certification programs offered by different providers?

A: Pricing is determined by the individual certification program provider.

Q: Are the materials for the new MBTI Certification program the same among all providers?

A: Yes.

Q: How much pre-work will I have to do?

A: There is approximately 10-12 hours of pre-work including the completion of two assessments and the assigned readings. This is significantly less than the previous program.

Q: I don’t plan to use Form Q. Can I skip the last day?

A: No, in order to become MBTI® Certified you must complete the 4-day program (and pass the exams.)

Q: Our company/institution used AMA for in-house programs in the past, why do I have to go through CPP now?

A: If your organization has a training contract with AMA, please contact AMA to discuss further.

Q: I see GS Consultants offers an MBTI Certification program. Is this an approved program? Is this the same class? Will I be certified if I take it?

A: GS Consultants is an authorized provider of an MBTI® Certification Program that was designed exclusively for Career Counselors and Academic Advisors. The program is only open to those who qualify as a Career Counselor or Academic Advisor. If you do qualify for this course and successfully complete it, you will be considered an MBTI® Certified Practitioner. The program offered is not the same as the one offered by AMA, CAPT and CPP as it was designed specifically to meet the unique needs of Career Counselors and Academic Advisors.

Q: If I attended an old MBTI qualifying program, but did not take the exam because I was educationally qualified, am I considered certified or just educationally eligible?

A: All who were previously qualified through their completion of a qualification program prior to January 1, 2009 are grandfathered into the new certification status.

Q: What does it mean to be educationally eligible?

A: Educationally eligible means individuals can purchase MBTI assessments based on their educational background. If you hold a Master’s Degree or higher in one of the areas of study below, you are considered Educationally Eligible to purchase and use those assessments that carry requirements:

  • State licensed Psychologist
  • State licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
  • State licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
  • State licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)
  • National Certified Career Counselor (NCCC)
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Personnel Psychology
  • Counseling and Personnel Services
  • Counselor Education
  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Organizational Development

Q: I have an advanced degree in Counseling/Psychology or was qualified by my education, why am I only eligible and not certified?

A: You are designated “Eligible to Purchase” based on your educational background. The designation of Certification is only given to those who have successfully completed an MBTI® Certification Program and demonstrated competency by passing the exam. We believe that to ensure the best possible use and application of the MBTI assessment, Certification is required. “Eligible to Purchase” indicates that you have an adequate background in psychometrics; Certification advances that level of knowledge to include practical applications of the assessment. Certification also makes you eligible for the Master Practitioner program.

Q: What is the Master Practitioner Credential?

A: The MBTI® Master Practitioner Credential Program (MPCP) is the next level of MBTI credential beyond attaining MBTI® Certification status. For more details on the Master Practitioner program, please visit www.mbtimasterpractitioner.org

Q: Who is eligible to apply for the MBTI Master Practitioner Credential Program?


  1. Anyone who has successfully completed an MBTI Certification Program starting January 2009.
  2. Anyone who successfully completed an MBTI Form M Qualifying Program.

Q: Why aren’t people who were qualified on the Form G program eligible to apply for MPCP?

A: Those people who received “qualification” designation based on the Form G program may continue to purchase both MBTI Step I and Step II assessments. Those who wish to become MBTI® Master Practitioners must have knowledge on the latest revision of the assessment; however, those who earned the “Certified” designation under the old program will be grandfathered in to the new MP status, and it will not matter if they were qualified on Form G. Please have any customer who has questions about this contact the MPCP administrator.

Q: What are the requirements to become an MBTI® Master Practitioner?

A: To receive the Master Practitioner credential, individuals must have applied to the credentialing program, completed and documented the required hours of continuing education and assessment application experience, submitted the required documentation and been approved by the MPCP review board. Applications are accepted online at the program website at www.mbtimasterpractitioner.org To earn the Master Practitioner Credential, applicants must have completed and have documented:

  • An approved MBTI® Form M-based MBTI® Qualifications Program (prior to Jan. 2009) or an MBTI® Certification Program (after Jan. 2009).
  • 40 hours of continuing education (1CE = 1 hr of training) in approved classes and workshops. Only approved programs completed after acceptance into the MP credential program will be accepted, with the exception of Step II workshops.
  • 40 hours of practical application of the instrument in training workshops and individual development engagements

Q: Is there a time limit once I have applied to the MPCP to complete all the requirements?

A: There is not a time limit to complete the above requirements.

Q: Once I am in the MBTI® Master Practitioner Credential Program, how will I find courses for my CEs?

A:Once a workshop has been approved for the program, the organization will be able to advertise as an approved program for the MBTI MPCP. A list of the workshops will be listed online at the MBTI® Master Practitioner website.

Q: Why would I want to spend the time and money to become an MBTI® Master Practitioner? What are the advantages for me?

A: The Master Practitioner program will be highly valued as it will show advanced knowledge of the MBTI assessment. The designation “MBTI Master Practitioner” can be used only by those who have met the requirements of this credential. Also, in the future, only those who have achieved this status will have the ability to participate in CPP’s Network Referral program. There will be financial incentives to this status, including periodic discounts and sales only for those who have this designation.

Q: Why would I want to pay to be on your Referral Network?

A: There will be an online site listing those people who have the Master Practitioner designation. There will be a small annual fee associated with this for those who wish to be in the network. As we advertise the value of the designation and it achieves the status it deserves, and as we educate our customers as to its value, there will be a desire to use facilitators and trainers with the knowledge and background required to become a Master Practitioner. Those on the Referral Network will gain both recognition and business.

Q: Which products from CPP require certification?

A: CPP requires specialized training for many of our assessments. Specialized training is recognized in two ways:

Assessment Certification – a practitioner who successfully completes a Certification Program for a specific assessment is designated as a Certified Practitioner and is able to purchase and administer that assessment.

Educational Eligibility – someone who holds a Master’s degree or higher in Psychology, Counseling, Organization Development, Human Resource Management or a related field is considered educationally eligible to purchase and administer assessments. However, only those practitioners who attend and successfully complete a certification program for an instrument will be granted the Certified Practitioner designation for that instrument.

The following assessments – denoted with an “R” in their description in CPP’s catalog and at www.cpp.com – require specialized training:

  • Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator instrument
  • CPI® 260 instrument
  • FIRO® instrument
  • Strong Interest Inventory instrument

The following product lines do not require specialized training:

  • Parker Team Player Survey
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
  • Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey
  • Kilmann's Organizational Survey
  • Work Engagement Profile
  • Rokeach Value Survey

The following products are only available to those who have an advanced degree in Psychology or a related field. Training courses are not available for these instruments. Purchase is through educational eligibility only:
  • CPI™ 434
  • Adjective Checklist
  • Maslach Burnout Survey