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Saint Francis Care

Using the Myers-Briggs® Instrument to Cultivate a Culture of Respect

   Read the Saint Francis Care Case Study

Case Study at a Glance:

Business Overview

Saint Francis Care is a nonprofit, integrated healthcare delivery system established by Hartford, Connecticut–based Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center. To provide the best patient experiences with the highest-quality care, it emphasizes a culture in which employees engage meaningfully and substantively with patients and with each other.

Saint Francis’s core values include respect, integrity, service, leadership, and stewardship. In order to align its culture and values, the organization needed to develop core leadership competencies that put these concepts into practice. Notably, this entailed addressing respectful communication—identified by the team’s employee survey as a key area for improvement.

In response, the Leadership Training team developed and instituted the Core Leadership and Management Training program, aimed at helping new managers—either new to management or new to the organization—cultivate skills that promote a culture of respect in which all employees give and accept feedback without fear. The program addresses a central challenge: defining what respect means to individuals and departments within a diverse organization.

The Myers-Briggs® instrument helps Saint Francis provide employees with concrete strategies and tips that allow them to demonstrate respect through their behavoir. Team members who have undergone training are able to handle conflict more effectively, exhibit less misunderstanding, and report a greater feeling of respect for other members. Additionally, the program has enabled this relatively small team to gain keen insight into the general employee population.

   Read the Saint Francis Care Case Study



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