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For Immediate Release


Leah Walling
CPP, Inc.
(800) 624-1765


CPP’S CPI 260™ Instrument Changes Military Leadership Training

New Program is Automated, Scalable and Error-Free


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Nov. 14, 2006 - CPP, Inc. (www.cpp.com), an industry leader in research, training, and organizational development tools including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment, announces a successful collaboration with a division of the U.S. Military to customize the division’s leadership assessment program.  The program encompassed hundreds of military personnel and resulted in precise portraits of individual leadership potential and a broader, more comprehensive view of the division’s entire leadership landscape. 

“CPP was able to provide an easy-to-understand report that enabled the military leaders to evaluate their strengths and development opportunities as a team,” said Rich Thompson, CPP Divisional Director of Research.  “The program provided for the creation of a validated ‘portrait of a leader’ with clearly identified leadership competencies. A combination of the CPI 260™ assessment and CPP Research Services generated the competency summaries, enabling officers to benchmark their competencies against those of other successful leaders within their military specialty and to grow their leadership skills.”

Officers completed the CPI 260 assessment online prior to reporting to a two-week military course, generating their personalized Client Feedback Reports, Coaching Reports for Leaders, and individual and group competency profiles.  The Coaching Report for Leaders is an important resource for exploring individual leadership preferences, abilities, skills, and behaviors, and for creating personalized development plans targeting areas for improvement.

The officers received information about their potential in five core performance areas identified by Sam Manoogian, developer of the Coaching Report for Leaders, based on specific characteristics: Self-management; Organizational Capabilities; Team Building and Teamwork; Problem Solving and Sustaining the Vision. 

The CPP team developed an automated process that enabled the military training division to move beyond the individual level of interpretation and gain a broader, more comprehensive view of the entire leadership landscape. The commanders and key training professionals were given visibility into areas that might require further development on a large scale. 

“The CPI 260 reports and metrics have provided our officers and senior leaders a snapshot in time of both their individual and our community’s leadership profiles. We’ve modified curricula in our courses based on insights we’ve gained from the CPI 260 assessment and our community’s leadership profile,” said the Military Training Director.

Armed with these research reports and fresh new insights, the class facilitator continues to enhance learning, improve outcomes, and create new program initiatives that save staff time and training costs with improved delivery of leadership development programs and build a research-based foundation for funding improved training initiatives.

About CPP, Inc.

Since its founding in 1956, CPP, Inc. has been a leading publisher and provider of innovative products and services for individual and organizational development, providing reliable training solutions to the Fortune 500. The company’s hundreds of unique offerings have been used by millions of individuals in more than 100 countries, in more than 20 languages, to help people and organizations grow by improving performance. Among CPP's world-renowned brands and services are CPP Professional Services, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), Strong Interest Inventory®, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), FIRO-B®, CPI 260™, and California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) instruments.

For more information on: CPP, Inc. and the Myers-Briggs and CPP Professional Services, please visit www.cpp.com.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs, and MBTI are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. Strong Interest Inventory and FIRO-B are registered trademarks and California Psychological Inventory, CPI, and CPI 260 are trademarks of CPP, Inc.